Important Notices from Emergency Manager - 02.28.2025
Jason Redding-Geu |
EM Director |
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Servces has set up a COVID-19 information line. You can call between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM CST with your questions any day of the week. (402) 552-6645
The Burt County Emergency Management (BCOEM) is a local governmental agency which coordinates large-scale emergency incidents within the Burt County. The agency assists local emergency response agencies by providing detailed planning procedures and specialized needs for incidents requiring multi-agency participation.
Our Duty to the Community
Emergency Management is responsible for maintaining emergency plans including, but not limited to:
- The Burt County Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)
- The Hazard Mitigation Plan
- County Evacuation Plan
- The Fixed Nuclear Facility Emergency Preparedness Program
- The Hazardous Materials Program
- The Burt County Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Many of these plans are a result of a partnership with various local governments, non-profit agencies, private sector companies, and faith-based organizations.
BCOEM offers advisement and coordination of all parts of the emergency response and recovery process. The BCOEM ensures all entities involved in emergency planning and execution are operating on the same level and are working toward the common goal of public safety.
Hazard Mitigation Plan
This year Burt County will be participating in a Hazard Mitigation
Plan update sponsored by the Papio-Missouri River NRD. The Hazard
Mitigation Plan is a community-guided plan that evaluates risks to
hazard events, then identifies ways to reduce those risks. The plan
is required to be updated every five years by the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA). If you have any questions please contact
the Emergency Management & Floodplain Administration
office at (402) 374-2924 or send an email to There will
be informational flyers at the Courthouse and you can also visit:
for more information.
Hazard Mitigation Plan Update